Complaints procedure

We do our best to be of good service to you. If you are nevertheless dissatisfied with our service, please do not hesitate to contact us, because complaints can often be solved easily. Other observations or remarks are also welcome.

How to submit a complaint

You accrue pension with Centraal Beheer PPI

Fill out the complaint form on your personal pension portal. Describe in the clearest possible terms why you are dissatisfied with our service. Do not forget to include your phone number. That way we can respond to your question or complaint faster. We will only use your phone number if necessary.

personal pension portal

Are you accruing pension with Centraal Beheer PPI, but do you not (yet) have access to the personal pension portal? Please complete our online complaint form.

You are an employer or adviser

Do you have a complaint? Please contact your account manager.

When will you receive a response?

You have submitted your complaint. We will do our best to respond to your complaint within five business days. If we are unable to do so, we will let you know.

You are dissatisfied with the solution of your complaint

In that case, please contact the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid). More information and a complaint form can be found on the Kifid website. You can also call or send a letter.

Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid)
Postbus 93257
2509 AG The Hague
Telephone: 070 - 333 89 99

You can also take the issue to the Subdistrict Court

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome or handling of your complaint, you can also take the issue straight to the Subdistrict Court. You are under no obligation to follow our complaints procedure first.