
Centraal Beheer PPI wants you to be able to use our services safely. We work on this every day. However, you yourself are also responsible for safe Internet use. Below you will read what you can do to reduce the risk of Internet crime.

Keep your login details confidential

Keep the login details of the pension portal confidential. Centraal Beheer PPI will never ask you for your login details via e-mail, text message or telephone, including under the guise of “updates” and “security testing”.

Check the Internet address when logging in

The Internet address must start with https://. The “s” in https stands for “secured”. Also check that you see the security lock on the left side of the address bar. This is how you recognise a secure page. Are you asked to log in multiple times in a row? Or are you asked control questions that you do not recognise? When in doubt, always close your browser and contact us.

Do not use public Wi-Fi networks

Wi-Fi networks in cafes, trains and other public places are often not secure. Others can access smartphones and laptops connected to a public Wi-Fi network quite easily. They can then view your browsing habits, but they may also be able to retrieve login details, for example. If you want to log in to the pension portal, we recommend that you not use a public Wi-Fi network.

Ensure up-to-date security

Invest in an up-to-date and legal virus scanner. Always install the updates to your operating system and other computer programs. Make sure that all your computers, whether in the office or at home, are properly secured. This is not only to protect your Internet traffic, but also to keep all other data on the computer safe.

Protect yourself against phishing

Phishing is a form of fraud. Internet criminals are “fishing” for your personal data. They often do this by sending fake e-mails. These e-mails:

  • Are often incomprehensible and contain spelling mistakes.
  • Contain a link to a fake website. On this website, cyber criminals ask for things such as your bank, log in, or personal details.